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SARS & eFiling Posts in TaxTim's Blog

Track your tax return on the SARS website

SARS have recently introduced a new way to track your tax return online via the SARS website.

See TaxTim's step-by-step guide to help you nagivate this new process:

1. Please go to the SARS website click on "Contact Us" 

2. Scroll down the page then click o...

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I have received an Additional Assessment from SARS - what does this mean?

After you have submitted your supporting documents to SARS, they have 21 working days to review them, assuming all sufficient documents have been received.  Once their review is complete, you will either:

  1. Receive a request for additional documents; or
  2. Receive a Completion Letter; or,
  3. Receive an Additional Assessment

Additional Documents Request

If SARS still requires for documents from you, they will either send ...

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The new SARS auto-assessment

Step 1:

If you have been auto-assessed by SARS,  you may see the screen below when you log into SARS eFiling.

Please click on "View".

You may also see this screen:

If you ...

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After all my documents submissions to SARS, they disallowed my expenses, why?

We are starting to see some common trends whereby taxpayers’ expenses are disallowed because the documents submitted are falling short of SARS’s requirements.  To avoid unnecessary frustration and time wasted in raising disputes, read on to see if any of these areas apply to you.

Travel deduction

In prior years, the submission of a logbook detailing your business mileage used to be sufficient to justify your travel claim. In recent years howev...

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Tax Season 2023

The 2023 filing season opens this year at 8pm on Friday, 7 July.  The countdown's on, it's almost here!

It is important to be aware that the season is shorter than prior years. This means that SARS are giving you less time to file your return.

Important Filing Deadlines

23 October 2023: non-provisional taxpayer (i.e. salaried employees)

24 January 2024: provisional taxpayer (i.e self-employed, rental earners, freelancers, ...

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Don't file on SARS eFiling before 7 July

Last year, we noticed that many taxpayers filed their tax returns before the tax season officially began (i.e July). However, doing so caused delays and problems with their tax refunds.

There are only three specific instances where you can file your tax return (ITR12) directly on eFiling before tax season starts:

  • If you have been declared insolvent / sequestrated or, 
  • If you need to file a tax return for a deceased estate or, 
  • If you are em...

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Why refund/tax liability estimations may differ from the SARS calculator and final SARS ITA34 assessment

TaxTim and SARS use all the financial information you provide to work out the most accurate estimate of your potential refund (or tax liability) for the current tax season. However, there may be some information we don’t have access to that won’t be included in the estimate of your tax refund or tax liability.

Information from previous tax seasons

Just like the SARS eFiling tax calculator, TaxTim doesn’t take into account provisional tax ...

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9 Steps to File an Objection to Your Tax Assessment

You’ve been diligent with your tax obligations, you’ve paid your PAYE (employees tax) each month without fail, you’ve kept all the supporting documents for your deduction claims and you’ve carefully filled out your tax return, making sure you’ve put all the right amounts in all the right places, against all the right codes. (Pssst, if you used TaxTim to help you complete your tax return, you wouldn’t have had to worry about all the right places and codes because that’s all automated for you)...

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Auto-Assessed Taxpayers Alert

SARS has given you just 40 working days to submit your tax return. If you received your auto-assessment at the beginning of July, your time to submit has already expired. Auto-assessments issued on 4 July 2022, expired on 30 August 2022. Count your work days carefully. SARS is applying this rule very strictly. If you do nothing, your auto-assessment will very soon become FINAL.

For more on auto-assessments and their deadlines, please read Read more →

SARS repeat reminders for supporting documents

If you received another email from TaxTim requesting SARS supporting documents, but you already sent these to SARS more than 21 business days ago, one of these four scenarios might be the reason you are still waiting:

Scenario 1:

You submitted the documents directly on SARS eFiling yourself, but you did not inform TaxTim. In this case, our system needs to be updated to reflect that you already submitted your documents.

Please log into your TaxTim profi...

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SARS has introduced a new online travel declaration system for South Africans & its residents.

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) says it will implement an "online traveller declaration system" that will go into effect on November 1, 2022. According to SARS, the new system will be applicable to all South Africans travelling abroad and says that it will simplify passenger movement at South African airports.

According to SARS, the system's goal is to collect travel information and in exchange, grant a traveller pass via email. It requires that all South Africans and residen...

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How to submit a Request for Extension on eFiling

Step 1:

Log into your SARS eFiling pofile.

Step 2:

Navigate to your Tax Return which was auto-assessed.

You can do this by clicking "Returns" (top menu), then "Returns History" (side menu), then "Personal Income Tax ITR12" , then select the the relevant ITR12.

You will see the
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New SARS Deadlines for Auto-Assessments

From 1 July to 4 July, SARS aims to issue auto-assessments to taxpayers who are due a refund.

The rest will be issued in batches up to 24 July.

Timing is Everything

If you receive an auto-assessment, you will have just 40 working days to request a tax return on TaxTim (or eFiling), complete and submit it. If you take no action within the ...

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Tax Season 2022

The 2022 filing season opens on 1 July.  Tick tock. That’s just around the corner.

It is important to be aware that the season is shorter than prior years. This means that SARS are giving you less time to file your return.

Important Filing Deadlines

24 October 2022: non-provisional taxpayer (i.e. salaried employees)

23 January 2023: provisional taxpayer (i.e self-employed, rental earners, freelancers, etc)


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SARS penalties: strict rules for 2022

SARS is warning that those who fail to submit their tax return on time, will face harsh penalties. The period of leeway which applied to 2021 has now passed.

SARS announced a change to their legislation in December 2021 whereby they would levy administrative penalties to taxpayers who missed the filing deadline for one or more tax returns. Prior to this change, taxpayers only paid penalties when two or more returns were outstanding. 

As a...

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The Public Servants Association (PSA) Notifies SARS of strike action

The Public Servants Association (PSA) served SARS with a notice of strike action on Friday, 13 May 2022. The strike is due to take place on Wednesday, 25 May 2022.

The union is demanding a CPI plus 7% across the board, while the National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) demands an increase of 11.5%. The unions and SARS hit a deadlock as SARS unashamedly made a final offer of a 0% increase.

If there is no resolution at the Com...

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Your social media posts might flag you with SARS

According to SARS commissioner Edward Kieswetter, some South Africans who came into money were eager to “display their wealth”, giving cause for SARS to look into the income of these individuals.

In many cases, SARS found that there was a major disconnect between the income that was being declared and the type of lifestyle that these individuals were leading, according to third-party data. These include social media platforms.

As we already know, people are often i...

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SARS clamps down on crypto investors

For months, SARS has been clear about its plan to clamp down on crypto investors. While many may be under the impression that crypto is going under the radar, SARS is firmly taking the position that it is not.

With luxury audits being the order of the day, SARS is continuously looking into those who live luxurious lifestyles, particular those who own luxury cars and crypto assets, without declaring their income to the revenue service.

In many cases, this income pertains to the...

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Why do I owe SARS more money?

Once you’ve completed filing your tax return, it’s possible to find that instead of getting money back

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Retrenched? Here’s how you will be taxed

In 2020, about 2.2 million jobs were lost in South Africa and in 2021, that number is expected to double as a result of Covid-19. With that, we have found that there are many questions surrounding the subject of taxes and severance packages. Here’s everything you need to know.

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act states that your severance pay should include at least one week’s worth of remuneration for every full year of work. Your severance package may consist of your ...

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What does a Completion Letter from SARS mean?

Completion Letter

You will receive a Completion Letter if all goes well and SARS is happy with your documents. This means that SARS is not adjusting your Original Assessment and if you have a refund due, it should be paid out in 7 working days (provided you have no tax debt due or outstanding tax returns from prior years). Similarly, if you owe tax to SARS per your Original Assessment, the amount you owe will remain unchanged.

An example of a...

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When Will SARS Pay My Tax Refund?

Hundreds of thousands of South Africans are filing their annual tax returns and everyday people ask us “when will I get my refund from SARS?”.

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Important Notice: You Will Face New Penalties if You Miss the November Tax Deadline

If you’re an individual non-provisional taxpayer, make sure you file your tax return before or on the deadline of 2 December 2021.

SARS is warning that those who fail to submit on time, will face penalties. Legislation has changed and you will have to pay penalties in January 2022 if you have not submitted one or more of your returns. This means that if you file your 2021 return after the deadline, SARS will levy an admin penalty.

Before, you only paid penalties when two...

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What is Identity Fraud?

Identity fraud happens when someone uses your personal information, such as your name and identity number, without your permission.

Criminals steal your identifying information from your home, car or wallet and even your rubbish bins and use your details to commit crime. Con artists can also get your personal and confidential information from the internet, social networking sites, emails, spoofed websites, Short Message Services (SMS) and unsolicited telephone calls.


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How Long do I have to wait for my tax refund?

Like in previous years, there have always been opening tax season niggles and 2021 has been no different. Patience is a virtue, so the adage goes.

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