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What and how much can I claim for on my own car expenses when the car is used for business

Hi Tax TimI get paid a basic and commission each quarter of the year. I pay for my own petrol and car expenses and I am looking to claim all of this back from SARS at the end of the year. I have been keeping a log book and I would liek to know the percentage of my expenses that I cna claim back if I rarely use my car for private use. What percentage will I be able to claim back from my business expenses on my car. Can I also claim for my cars depreciation? And again what is the percentage for this. I worked out that I spend about R20000 per year roughly on petrolThanks

TaxTim TaxTim says:
27 August 2014 at 21:28

You would be able to take the costs spent on the petrol and car expenses and multiply them by the business/divided by total mileage traveled. Basically you would be using the business expenses ration for apportioning the costs. The car can also be depreciated by 5 years and then the same ratio applied.

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