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Taxable Local Interest Calculator

Work out the amount of local interest which is taxable on your income tax assessment

Total local interest received for the tax year? R
You are:

You need to declare your total local interest in the Investment Income section of your tax return. This calculator is to assist you on calculating the amount of interest that will reflect as taxable on your income tax assessment.

Individual taxpayers enjoy an annual exemption on all South African interest income they earn, set by SARS every year. This interest exemption has remained unchanged for a number of years and for the 2023 tax year is set at R23 800 for individuals under 65 years old, and R34 500 for individuals 65 years and older. South African retail savings Bonds and any interest from the money in your Medical Savings Account (of your medical aid) can also be taxed.

Oops! It seems our calculator took a vacation to Bermuda without telling us. We're sending it a stern email and some virtual sunscreen. In the meantime, please try again later. Sorry for the inconvenience – even calculators need a break sometimes!

Amount you keep:
@{ solution }
This is how you work it out:
Interest amount: R @{ totalInterestReceived }
Less: Exemption: R @{ exemption }
Equals: R @{ solution }

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