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Two medical aids

Louisa says:
13 October 2015 at 17:30

For the first four months of the tax year I belonged to a full medical aid deducted from my salary as part of cost to company. After that I was retrenched and joined a medical aid fund on my own. It is a hospital plan and not a full medical aid - does this still get filled in as a medical aid on the tax form (even though it is just a hospital plan)? If so, would I add the two amounts together to fill in as my medical aid deduction on the tax return or or they separate? - I know the work one has a 4005 code.

TaxTim TaxTim says:
14 October 2015 at 13:00

You would only put in the amount you personally paid, but put the number of members for all the months. A hospital plan still counts as a medical aid.

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