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Tax-Efficient Wealth Protection: Understanding Life Insurance with TaxTim

While it might seem like a morbid topic at first, understanding life insurance is pretty important to safeguarding your family's financial future. Life insurance is about more than just providing for your loved ones after you're no longer around, it is the cornerstone of financial stability during hard times like illness or disability as it protects your income. Think of it as a protective bubble that will ensure your family's financial well-being, no matter what life throws your way.

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How Does Tax Work on a Life Insurance Policy in South Africa

Delving into tax laws and understanding their impact on life insurance doesn’t have to be headache. At TaxTim, we're here to simplify the world of tax and ensure you stay informed about the key tax implications when it comes to your life insurance. Without diving into too much detail, let's get straight to the point and focus on what you really need to know about the tax implications on your life insurance premiums.

First off, it's essential to know that life insurance premiums ...

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Recent updates to the Company Tax Return (ITR14)

The updated ITR14 on eFiling has some new sections, and one that often raises questions is the part about share classes. Although it might seem confusing, it's actually quite simple. SARS is just asking you to tell them more about your shareholders in the company.

When you begin your ITR14, please have the balance sheet, income statement, and also the share register ready. A share register is  is a list of all active and former owners of a company's shares. To complete the capita...

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Here is the process to follow if you have a dormant company

It seems that dormant companies are on SARS' radar.

If you registered a company with CIPC some time ago and forgot about it, that company could land you in hot water with SARS. Read more to find out what the financial repercussions could be and why you should get a hold on the situation.

What is a dormant company?

A dormant company is classified as a company that has not actively traded for the full year of assessment.  Because there is no activity in the compan...

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How to set up a payment arrangement with SARS

With the end of the tax year looming, SARS tax collectors are on high alert to collect taxes and meet their revenue targets.

If you owe SARS, you should be receiving constant reminders to pay your debt. This may be in the form of SMS's, phone calls or even posted letters.

If the debt is unfamiliar or if you are not in agreement with the debt, you can File a dispute with SARS , howe...

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Track your tax return on the SARS website

SARS have recently introduced a new way to track your tax return online via the SARS website.

See TaxTim's step-by-step guide to help you nagivate this new process:

1. Please go to the SARS website click on "Contact Us" 

2. Scroll down the page then click o...

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The new SARS auto-assessment

Step 1:

If you have been auto-assessed by SARS,  you may see the screen below when you log into SARS eFiling.

Please click on "View".

You may also see this screen:

If you ...

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Payment for asking a Tax Question

Why am I receiving a request for payment for asking a tax question?

During the process of assisting taxpayers with the completion and submission of their tax return, we sometimes receive tax related questions to our Helpdesk which fall beyond the scope of the tax return and therefore requires some more of our time. This is because documents may need to be reviewed or calculations to be performed or even in some cases, external experts to be consulted.

For this reason, you may receive a request for a payment in response to your tax question...

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A beginner's guide to investing in South Africa

You are doing well. You are earning enough money to cover your monthly expenses, and have some extra cash remaining at the end of each month. You could keep that money in the bank for a rainy day, or you could invest it, with the hopes of growing your savings significantly. This guide aims to help you understand why investing is important, how investments differ and what options are available to you in South Africa.

Why investing is important

Your money does not keep it's va...

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After all my documents submissions to SARS, they disallowed my expenses, why?

We are starting to see some common trends whereby taxpayers’ expenses are disallowed because the documents submitted are falling short of SARS’s requirements.  To avoid unnecessary frustration and time wasted in raising disputes, read on to see if any of these areas apply to you.

Travel deduction

In prior years, the submission of a logbook detailing your business mileage used to be sufficient to justify your travel claim. In recent years howev...

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Tax-Efficient Wealth Protection: Understanding Life Insurance

By Josh Kaplan - OneSpark

Life insurance: it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry, right? However, just like that fresh coat of paint protects your walls from wear and tear, life insurance is all about protecting your loved ones from the financial burdens that could pop up in your absence.

If you've ever been out to dinner with friends and spent more time figuring out how to split the bill than actually enjoying your meal, then you'll understand why ...

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How to buy your first property

The thought of buying a house can be daunting. It might seem almost impossible when you are just getting started. But like any financial goal, you can achieve it if you understand what's involved, and break the process up into small, bite-size steps.

Buying your first home is also exciting! Choosing where you will live, how many rooms you need, what colour to paint the walls, and what furniture to fill it with are part of the fun. Use that excitement to get you through the admin involved....

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Tax Season 2023

The 2023 filing season opens this year at 8pm on Friday, 7 July.  The countdown's on, it's almost here!

It is important to be aware that the season is shorter than prior years. This means that SARS are giving you less time to file your return.

Important Filing Deadlines

23 October 2023: non-provisional taxpayer (i.e. salaried employees)

24 January 2024: provisional taxpayer (i.e self-employed, rental earners, freelancers, ...

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Don't file on SARS eFiling before 7 July

Last year, we noticed that many taxpayers filed their tax returns before the tax season officially began (i.e July). However, doing so caused delays and problems with their tax refunds.

There are only three specific instances where you can file your tax return (ITR12) directly on eFiling before tax season starts:

  • If you have been declared insolvent / sequestrated or, 
  • If you need to file a tax return for a deceased estate or, 
  • If you are em...

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Why refund/tax liability estimations may differ from the SARS calculator and final SARS ITA34 assessment

TaxTim and SARS use all the financial information you provide to work out the most accurate estimate of your potential refund (or tax liability) for the current tax season. However, there may be some information we don’t have access to that won’t be included in the estimate of your tax refund or tax liability.

Information from previous tax seasons

Just like the SARS eFiling tax calculator, TaxTim doesn’t take into account provisional tax ...

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9 Steps to File an Objection to Your Tax Assessment

You’ve been diligent with your tax obligations, you’ve paid your PAYE (employees tax) each month without fail, you’ve kept all the supporting documents for your deduction claims and you’ve carefully filled out your tax return, making sure you’ve put all the right amounts in all the right places, against all the right codes. (Pssst, if you used TaxTim to help you complete your tax return, you wouldn’t have had to worry about all the right places and codes because that’s all automated for you)...

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Auto-Assessed Taxpayers Alert

SARS has given you just 40 working days to submit your tax return. If you received your auto-assessment at the beginning of July, your time to submit has already expired. Auto-assessments issued on 4 July 2022, expired on 30 August 2022. Count your work days carefully. SARS is applying this rule very strictly. If you do nothing, your auto-assessment will very soon become FINAL.

For more on auto-assessments and their deadlines, please read Read more →

Should I file a dormant return?

Are you confused about whether your company should file a dormant return or a normal ITR14 for companies? It's understandable - dormancy can be a tricky concept to navigate. It's important to understand that the type of tax return you need to file depends on when your company became dormant. But don't worry, we're here to help you figure it out!

First things first, what is a dormant company?

A dormant company is a company which is registered with the ...

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Dormant Company Tax Returns

If you've registered a company with CIPC some time ago and forgot about it, that company could land you in hot water with SARS. Even if the company is not actively trading and has no assets or liabilities, you still have a duty to submit its tax returns to SARS. Failure to do so can result in administrative penalties that ...

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11 Types of Tax Directives


Imagine you’re an estate agent or luxury car salesman. Chances are that you don’t earn much (if anything) as a basic salary and you rely on a few big deals and commission payments to keep you afloat during quieter months.

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Section 12H Learnership Allowance

Training and development for employees plays a vital role in the growth and success of your business. But, finding affordable and correct tools might be where the concerns start creeping in. Suddenly you’re left thinking… “They’ll learn on the job. Resources are limited.”
Fortunately, you’d be pleased to know that the learnership allowance is intended to be an incentive for employers to encourage skills development within their workforce, with the hope to create jobs and economic growth....

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Everything you need to know about tax-free savings

The South African government introduced tax-free savings back in 2015 to encourage household savings. As the name suggests, all of the proceeds from tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs), including interest, capital gains and dividends are exempt from tax. This makes these types of investments extremely attractive for South African taxpayers.


How tax-free savings work

Tax-free savings are an investment vehicle created to help South Africans reduce their tax liab...

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Budget 2023: New Energy Tax Incentives

Finance Minister, Enoch Godongwana, delivered his second budget speech to South Africans yesterday. The energy crisis played centre stage with the minister announcing that the government will take over a large part of Eskom's debt. He also outlined two major tax incentives to encourage individuals and businesses to invest in renewable energy and independent electricity generation. Much to everyone's relief, he went on further to announce that there would be no major tax proposals for the year...

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How to cash out your retirement annuity after emigrating from South Africa

Retirement annuities are tax-smart investments that help you to save for life after your nine-to-five. You generally can’t withdraw these funds before you turn 55, but you may be able to do so if you’ve emigrated from South Africa.


What is a retirement annuity?

A retirement annuity – or RA for short – is an investment vehicle designed to help people living and working in South Africa save towards retirement. It can be used as a...

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Why have I received a SARS refund, before filing my tax return?

This year, SARS has once again ‘auto-assessed’ a large number of taxpayers. They have done this using data that they have received from 3rd parties, such as employers, financial institutions, medical schemes and retirement fund administrators. 

If you have been auto-assessed, you should receive an email or SMS from SARS within the first few weeks of July. If your auto-assessment shows that you are due a tax refund, we are seeing SARS pay out these refu...

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