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Dormant Company Tax Returns

If you've registered a company with CIPC some time ago and forgot about it, that company could land you in hot water with SARS. Even if the company is not actively trading and has no assets or liabilities, you still have a duty to submit its tax returns to SARS. Failure to do so can result in administrative penalties that ...

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11 Types of Tax Directives


Imagine you’re an estate agent or luxury car salesman. Chances are that you don’t earn much (if anything) as a basic salary and you rely on a few big deals and commission payments to keep you afloat during quieter months.

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Section 12H Learnership Allowance

Training and development for employees plays a vital role in the growth and success of your business. But, finding affordable and correct tools might be where the concerns start creeping in. Suddenly you’re left thinking… “They’ll learn on the job. Resources are limited.”
Fortunately, you’d be pleased to know that the learnership allowance is intended to be an incentive for employers to encourage skills development within their workforce, with the hope to create jobs and economic growth....

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Everything you need to know about tax-free savings

The South African government introduced tax-free savings back in 2015 to encourage household savings. As the name suggests, all of the proceeds from tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs), including interest, capital gains and dividends are exempt from tax. This makes these types of investments extremely attractive for South African taxpayers.


How tax-free savings work

Tax-free savings are an investment vehicle created to help South Africans reduce their tax liab...

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Budget 2023: New Energy Tax Incentives

Finance Minister, Enoch Godongwana, delivered his second budget speech to South Africans yesterday. The energy crisis played centre stage with the minister announcing that the government will take over a large part of Eskom's debt. He also outlined two major tax incentives to encourage individuals and businesses to invest in renewable energy and independent electricity generation. Much to everyone's relief, he went on further to announce that there would be no major tax proposals for the year...

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How to cash out your retirement annuity after emigrating from South Africa

Retirement annuities are tax-smart investments that help you to save for life after your nine-to-five. You generally can’t withdraw these funds before you turn 55, but you may be able to do so if you’ve emigrated from South Africa.


What is a retirement annuity?

A retirement annuity – or RA for short – is an investment vehicle designed to help people living and working in South Africa save towards retirement. It can be used as a...

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Why have I received a SARS refund, before filing my tax return?

This year, SARS has once again ‘auto-assessed’ a large number of taxpayers. They have done this using data that they have received from 3rd parties, such as employers, financial institutions, medical schemes and retirement fund administrators. 

If you have been auto-assessed, you should receive an email or SMS from SARS within the first few weeks of July. If your auto-assessment shows that you are due a tax refund, we are seeing SARS pay out these refu...

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SARS repeat reminders for supporting documents

If you received another email from TaxTim requesting SARS supporting documents, but you already sent these to SARS more than 21 business days ago, one of these four scenarios might be the reason you are still waiting:

Scenario 1:

You submitted the documents directly on SARS eFiling yourself, but you did not inform TaxTim. In this case, our system needs to be updated to reflect that you already submitted your documents.

Please log into your TaxTim profi...

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Provisional Taxpayers:  Unpacking Your Tax Season Deadline

Tick-tock, time is running out for non-provisional taxpayers to submit their 2022 tax return. The filing deadline of 24 October 2022 is just around the corner.

Provisional Taxpayers: your tax return filing deadline is 23 January 2023. Breathe easy.

If you ‘think’ you are a Provisional Taxpayer, we strongly suggest you make 100% sure you me...

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SARS has introduced a new online travel declaration system for South Africans & its residents.

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) says it will implement an "online traveller declaration system" that will go into effect on November 1, 2022. According to SARS, the new system will be applicable to all South Africans travelling abroad and says that it will simplify passenger movement at South African airports.

According to SARS, the system's goal is to collect travel information and in exchange, grant a traveller pass via email. It requires that all South Africans and residen...

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How to inform SARS that you ceased to be a South African Tax Resident

Step 1: Please log into your SARS eFiling profile

Step 2: Click on "Home" on the top menu

Step 3: Click on "SARS Registered Details" and then on "Maintain SARS Registered Details" on the l...

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Tax residency

South African expatriates who ignore their tax obligations will soon find themselves facing the wrath of the taxman in the upcoming tax season.

SARS has urged taxpayers including expats (South Africans residing outside the country) to urgently review their tax compliance status or stand the risk of facing major penalties or even jail time.

Originally, individuals were taxed according to a source-based tax system but from 1 March 2001 it has changed so that individuals will be ...

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How to submit a Request for Extension on eFiling

Step 1:

Log into your SARS eFiling pofile.

Step 2:

Navigate to your Tax Return which was auto-assessed.

You can do this by clicking "Returns" (top menu), then "Returns History" (side menu), then "Personal Income Tax ITR12" , then select the the relevant ITR12.

You will see the
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Some common (and sometimes forgotten) tax deductions

Too often, taxpayers rush when completing their tax return, and then they miss out on some expenses they are eligible to claim. Don’t overpay tax by overlooking these seven common tax breaks.

Contributions towards a Retirement Annuity

Your contributions towards retirement funds are deductible for tax up to a limit of 27,5% of the greater of your taxable income or remuneration (to a maximum of R350,000 per year).  This limit applies to the total contributions you make to any Pension, Provident or Retirement Annuity (RA) fund during the year...

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New SARS Deadlines for Auto-Assessments

From 1 July to 4 July, SARS aims to issue auto-assessments to taxpayers who are due a refund.

The rest will be issued in batches up to 24 July.

Timing is Everything

If you receive an auto-assessment, you will have just 40 working days to request a tax return on TaxTim (or eFiling), complete and submit it. If you take no action within the ...

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Tax Season 2022

The 2022 filing season opens on 1 July.  Tick tock. That’s just around the corner.

It is important to be aware that the season is shorter than prior years. This means that SARS are giving you less time to file your return.

Important Filing Deadlines

24 October 2022: non-provisional taxpayer (i.e. salaried employees)

23 January 2023: provisional taxpayer (i.e self-employed, rental earners, freelancers, etc)


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SARS penalties: strict rules for 2022

SARS is warning that those who fail to submit their tax return on time, will face harsh penalties. The period of leeway which applied to 2021 has now passed.

SARS announced a change to their legislation in December 2021 whereby they would levy administrative penalties to taxpayers who missed the filing deadline for one or more tax returns. Prior to this change, taxpayers only paid penalties when two or more returns were outstanding. 

As a...

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Digging into the detail of Building Allowances

The cement is all used up and the bricks have been laid exactly where they need to be. A huge sigh of relief because… finally, construction and renovations are complete! And, just when you thought the worry was over, you realise that the differences between the building allowance and renovations aren’t clear to you. “Aren’t they all the same?” is the question lingering in your head. Don't fret, below is a breakdown of the exact clarity you’re looking for. ...

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Renting out your home and the effect on capital gains tax

 Our Helpdesk receives lots of questions from home sellers who rented out their primary residence for some of the

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How to cruise through a travel audit efficiently

Surely most of us love to travel, but traveling for business purposes is no fun when it comes to completing your tax return.

SARS has some rather onerous requirements, but as long as you know what you need, submitting your documents to SARS should be plain sailing.

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Tax Return Due Dates

There are various types of taxes with their own special return forms and deadlines.

Quick Summary

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The Public Servants Association (PSA) Notifies SARS of strike action

The Public Servants Association (PSA) served SARS with a notice of strike action on Friday, 13 May 2022. The strike is due to take place on Wednesday, 25 May 2022.

The union is demanding a CPI plus 7% across the board, while the National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) demands an increase of 11.5%. The unions and SARS hit a deadlock as SARS unashamedly made a final offer of a 0% increase.

If there is no resolution at the Com...

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Your social media posts might flag you with SARS

According to SARS commissioner Edward Kieswetter, some South Africans who came into money were eager to “display their wealth”, giving cause for SARS to look into the income of these individuals.

In many cases, SARS found that there was a major disconnect between the income that was being declared and the type of lifestyle that these individuals were leading, according to third-party data. These include social media platforms.

As we already know, people are often i...

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SARS clamps down on crypto investors

For months, SARS has been clear about its plan to clamp down on crypto investors. While many may be under the impression that crypto is going under the radar, SARS is firmly taking the position that it is not.

With luxury audits being the order of the day, SARS is continuously looking into those who live luxurious lifestyles, particular those who own luxury cars and crypto assets, without declaring their income to the revenue service.

In many cases, this income pertains to the...

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Top Tips to Prepare for the 2022 Tax Season

Ensure you have a tax number & eFiling profile

If you have not registered for SARS eFiling or you don't have a tax number don’t worry, SARS has made things a lot easier this year.

Getting a tax number is now as easy as registering on SARS eFiling. Simply click here and if you don’t have a personal income tax number yet, SARS will automatically issue ...

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