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7 Types of Tax Directives

Imagine you’re an estate agent or luxury car salesman. Chances are that you don’t earn much (if anything) as a basic salary

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Promised a Guaranteed Tax Refund? Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid

Guarantees are pretty powerful – they’re used by leading manufacturers and retailers to gain our confidence and trust.

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FAQs: Donations and Tax

Have you recently received a present or a donation from a wealthy family member or a friend? Or, maybe you've just donated money to support a child in need?

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How to know if an email from SARS is safe or scam

Recently we have noticed emails that appear to have been sent from SARS, and that might look like legitimate SARS correspondence, but are not.

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Who's (Legally) Allowed to File Your Tax Return?

Tax isn’t the easiest of subjects to navigate. Besides the long list of legalese to master, there’s the fact that tax legislation

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How does Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) work?

You may have seen the word PAYE on your IRP5 payslip or heard it mentioned by your employer, but have no idea of its meaning.

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I worked for less than a year: Do I still need to submit a tax return?

If you worked for less than a year, you may be confused as to whether or not you are required to submit a tax return.

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Multiple Employers, Multiple PAYE payments. Yet I still owe SARS?

We receive many questions to our Helpdesk from taxpayers who are faced with the following scenario:

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10 Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

It’s tax season, and one of the most compelling reasons to file a tax return (besides the fact that it’s the law, of course) is the chance that you’ve

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Provisional Tax FAQs

What is a provisional tax?
Provisional tax is paid by people who earn income other than a salary / traditional remuneration paid by an employer.

How do I convert from a provisional taxpayer to a regular taxpayer? OR How do I de-register as a Provisional Taxpayer?
Your tax number stays the same, just make sure that it has not been deactivated. This has happened in some cases. You will also need to de-register as a Provisional Taxpayer (this won’t affect your tax number) You can do this on eFiling by going to the Home Tab and clicking Tax Types and de-registering there. This will mean you are only a "regular" taxpayer...

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Medical Aid contributions paid on behalf of a dependent

Taxpayer's Full Name

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Special Economic Zones

Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s) are certain designated areas of a country demarcated by the government for special targeted economic activities. These are generally areas where business and trade laws are different from that of the rest of the country. The aim of these zones is to encourage increased foreign investment and trade, as well as job creation. This done by way of several tax incentives which are available to business which operate in SEZ’s.

They include the following:...

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FAQs: Retirement funds and tax

At TaxTim, we receive many questions from taxpayers about retirement funds and tax.

One of the biggest benefits of contributing towards a retirement fund is the tax break.

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Covid 19: Unpacking the Tax Relief for Small Businesses

The national lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus is undoubtedly wreaking havoc on the economy.  Small businesses have been hard hit – many not knowing if they will have sufficient cash flow to resume operations when things eventually return to normal.

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FAQ's: Medical Expenses and Taxes

It’s not all doom and gloom when it comes to the rising costs of medical expenses. You can expect some tax relief if you contribute to a medical aid and if you spend a certain amount on ‘out of pocket’ expenses.

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Covid 19: What to do when you have to go to a SARS branch?

Quarantine. Self-isolation. Coronavirus. These are the buzzwords for 2020, and once it is all over, words we’ll probably never want to hear again. In light of Covid-19, TaxTim offers the safest way to handle your taxes - online.

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Why don't I get a tax deduction for Out of Pocket Medical Expenses?

Tax season always throws up some interesting and confusing calculations, but for many, the most confusing of all is how medical aid contributions and Out of Pocket medical expenses are treated.

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Budget 2020: Unexpected Relief for Taxpayers!

The Minister delivered some good news to South Africans yesterday when he announced there would be no significant tax hikes

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Budget Prediction 2020: More dark days ahead?

All eyes will be on Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni, tomorrow when he delivers his budget speech on Wednesday, 26 February to the nation.

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Overview on Tax Free Savings versus Retirement Annuity

By Rowan Burger from Momentum Investments

The benefits of saving your money are well known and encouraged by many financial institutions

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State of the Nation Address - SONA 2020

President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed South Africa for the fourth time on Thursday, 13 February 2020. The event commemorated the 30 year anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison.

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Expat Tax

As of 1 March 2020, South Africans working abroad will have to comply with the amended laws on expat tax. Amendments to the Income Tax Act includes the exemption of taxes up to the first R1 million per annum.

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TaxTim in People Magazine: Money Talks


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'Rejection of Revised ITR12' - but my return is already finalised!

There seem to be many confused taxpayers who have received a letter from SARS titled ‘Rejection of Revised ITR12’ which goes on to say that their revised return cannot be finalised because their assessment has already been finalised.

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File by 4th of December to avoid penalties

The deadline for non-provisional taxpayers to file their tax return is just around the corner. Taxpayers have until 4th December to submit their return and avoid unwanted penalties and interest.

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