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Provisional Tax Posts in Tax Q&A

Do you get an ITA34 when you submit provisional tax returns

Do you get an ITA34 when you submit provisional tax returns manually. All I have is my provisional
Return I completed at SARS office stamped by them.

Medical practice tax return and deductions

If you have a sole proprietorship, a medical practice that provides wound care for patients at home. There is only two employees. The owner (the nurse that does the wound care) and one person doing the financials and administration. The business is not registered, but the nurse has a practice number. How would you submit the tax return (as personal tax return/business?) and what deductions could you claim?

Should I register as a provisional taxpayer for freelance work even if I have a contract position?

I have a contract with an employer for a minimum of 40 hours per month from April 2016-September 2016. They should be paying tax for me on this. I will likely be doing some other freelance work during this time (and for the remainder of the tax year). Will I have to register as a provisional taxpayer for the freelance work? And as a provisional taxpayer, when do I need to register for the 2017 tax year, and will I only have to pay tax twice per tax year, or still a PAYE amount per month?

What are these company returns for?

What are the following forms for:


Capital gains tax on primary residence

I want to proceed with Tax Tim to complete my tax return for 2015 as it seems I have a penalty of R 1215. My question is, my tax practitioner did not complete my last tax return and I have managed to gain control of my SARS eFiling and changed my status from a Provisional Tax Payer to Ordinary Tax Payer, do I submit my tax return as a Provisional or Personal Tax Payer. I did not work in 2015, sold my jointly owned property in JHB, moved to CT and bought another property from the proceeds. I have...

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MInor - tax liabilities

If I need to register my child (minor) for tax due to interest and or CGT earned from their investment - do I register them as a provisional tax payer or as an individual tax payer? If my child earns less than R 75,000 through interest/CGT do I still need to register them for tax even though they have no tax liability?

The pricing on your website for individual tax - would assume that this is per tax submission?

How to cancel provisional taxpayer registration?

How can I deregister as a provisional taxpayer. I was erroneously registered.

PAYE vs Provisional Tax

I have a permanent job which caters for roughly 65% (660k) of my total gross income the other 35% (335k) is obtained by a business I run. Should I apply for provision tax and should my company be paying PAYE for me or should I be paying two payments as a provisional tax payer? How do I go about this if it is the case?

How do I complete my provisional income tax form

How do I complete my provisional tax form

How to deal with long overdue tax returns

I am a B&B owner and have not submitted tax returns for about 6 years.. What should I do? I also had a job last year for extra income, how will this be treated by SARS as I am a sole proprietor.

Are training courses and related travel expenses tax deductable?

Hi Tim,
I am a provisional tax payer in the health sector- I am not salaried and work for myself. Am I able to claim back on fees for training courses and the travel costs(flights, car rental)?

Secondly, I occasionally rent out my flat and wondered if this money is declared regardless of the rent earned or if there is a minimum amount from which earnings should be declared. Thanks!

Small business

I run a small business from home and make about R40 000. 00 a year. I only pay insurance and maybe cell. So what is my draw for provisional tax. And how much tax would business pay.

Does loan repayment affect tax calculation?

When calculating provisional tax, must your repayment on loan be deducted from the taxable amount?

Which package do I select for your service?

To use your service, I need to identify as either provisional or individual. I haven't yet registered as a provisional taxpayer on SARS (I'm meant to do that now), and have been earning income for about six months now, as a freelancer. If I want to use your service, do I select the provisional tax payer package, or do I have to officially register as a prov. Tax payer over SARS eFiling first?

First time freelance consultant from January 2016 - do I register for provisional tax?

I just started as freelance consultant in Jan 2016. I am not sure how much I will earn as it all depends on if I get clients. Do I register for provisional tax? From reading your articles seem I fall in the 2nd payment what do I do? SARS assumes taxpayer will be able to pay upfront?

When do I pay provisional tax per IRP6?

I have filed my IRP6 form via SARS eFiling,
Should I pay the amount payable now or should I wait for SARS to accept the form I filed?

Submitting and IRP5 and Provisional Tax

A company I was working for closed down in March last year and I started freelancing sometime after that and now need to pay provisional tax, but what happens with the IRP5 that was generated for me? Do I still submit that even though I'm submitting for provisional?

How to handle Rental Income when married in community of property?

Hi, my wife and I are married in community of property. We own a few residential flats that we rent out for extra income. When it is time to complete our annual tax return and we each fill in details of extra Income on the tax return, must we EACH declare the FULL income from the rentals OR must we EACH split it in HALF and declare that OR must we say we are in 50% partnership on the form where it allows for that? In the tax return it does ask how we are married so does SARS automatically split ...

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Questions on provisional tax

A second provisional tax payment should be made end of Feb of each year. Why would SARS effectively require individuals to submit a tax return before the last day of the financial year (28 Feb) when business related expenses and income might still happen?

Apart from wanting to know why this implementation, I also want to know how does the differences gets eventually settled when you do still have income or expences after you have filed late in Feb?

Do I include a provident fund payout (on resignation) in my taxable income on the IRP6 return?

Do I include a provident fund payout (on resignation) in my taxable income on the IRP6 tax return?

SARS Exchange rate tables

I am completing my IRP6 and I am earning a slary in GBP. Which table should I use? Table A or B?

http://www. SARS. Gov. Za/Legal/Legal-Publications/Pages/Average-Exchange-Rates. Aspx

Thank you!

Where should I declare my freelance income?

I am an employee, but also a Sole Proprietor. I am an artist. My business is not officially registered yet, but I have been trading for some time now. Do I need to declare the income I earned through freelance work in the same ITR12 that contains the information I received from the IRP5 from my employer, or would I need to declare the freelance income in some other form?

Disclosing interest on the IRP6

If a taxpayer earns 130,000 interest in the year, does he disclose the entire amount in the taxable income section of the IRP6 or just the portion of the interest income that is taxable. I,e 130,000 less R34500 exempt portoin. I see the form only deducts the primary rebate.

Does a 45-day old business still need to submit a provisional tax return?

I am a salaried employee, but since the middle of January 2016 I have been running a business. It's been expensive to set up, and business is slow - I've turned over R50K max and have about R40K of expenses. Do I need to submit a provisional tax return now, or can I carry that amount over and declare it later in the 2017 provisional tax year?

Should I register for IRP6 or IRP3?

I found two forms on the SARS site, IRP3 which states it's meant for freelance artists and IRP6 for provisional tax. I'm a freelance artist so should I fill in and resister for IRP6 or IRP3 or both?
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